Blog Shortcode
This is a very versatile shortcode, allowing you to display posts on any page. Choose from 6 blog designs along with a plethora of customization options. Create unlimited blog pages each with a unique look and category of posts. Compatible with both single and dual sidebars, the blog shortcode also allows you to build magazine style layouts, the possibilities are amazing!
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Para potenciar la economía circular, en el caso de los plásticos, es importante no dejarlos [...]
Especies autóctonas en el Día Mundial del Ambiente
Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos (AySA)realizó una actividad de concientización por el Día Mundial del Ambiente, [...]
El yaguareté vuelve a reinar en los Esteros del Iberá
Juruna y Mariau son dos hembras de yaguareté criadas en Brasil, con el mínimo contacto [...]
La Conferencia sobre Cambio Climático vuelve a Sudamérica
En Santiago se presentó la Conferencia de las Partes (COP) de la Convención Marco de [...]
Irlanda, hacia la energía eólica
Así como Costa Rica marca un camino en América Latina y se propone descarbonizar por [...]
FARN y el estado del ambiente
La 11º edición del Informe Ambiental de la Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) fue [...]
Gastronomía y solidaridad
La 13va edición de Buenos Aires Food Week se llevará a cabo del 29 de [...]
Agua limpia para los niños
El Programa "Agua Limpia para los Niños", de P&G, continúa posibilitando el derecho a un [...]
Ganar-ganar con las mujeres
Los Principio de Empoderamiento de la Mujeres (WEPs), que ofrecen una guía para la promoción [...]
Cerveza con agua de mar
Océanica es la primera cerveza argentina fabricada con agua de mar. Fue fabricada gracias a [...]
“Ricardito”, el yacaré que vivió una década en el Instituto Malbrán y se mudará a un santuario animal
La fiscalía que se ocupa de las causas por maltrato animal recibió una denuncia. Dispuso [...]
Contaminación y saneamiento | Fallo Mendoza | Riachuelo
Esta es el comunicado presentado el 27 de octubre: La Asociación Vecinos de la Boca, [...]
Descifran mecanismos de un proceso clave para la biología de las plantas y el rendimiento de los cultivos
Se trata del procesamiento de pequeñas moléculas (los micro ARNs) que controlan genes que regulan [...]
6 Design Layouts To Select
Each blog shortcode can use any of our 6 designs and can be used with a single or dual sidebar. Each instance has its own set of options for customization providing ultimate flexibility per use.
Create Unlimited Blog Pages
The Blog shortcode allows you to use it on as many pages as you wish. Each instance can have a unique set of categories that display giving you superior flexibility for various types of layout, even magazine style.
Loaded With Customization Options
Each blog instance you use has a massive set of options for customization. These options allow you to choose how each set of posts display, making it unique to your site.
Number Of Posts
This option allows you to control the number of posts that will display with the blog shortcode.
This option allows you to choose which category or categroies will display with the blog shortcode.
Exclude Categories
This option allows you to easily exclude one or more categories. Perfect for those who have many.
Post Excerpt
This option allows you to show a post excerpt or the full content of each blog post.
Post Thumbnail
This option allows you to show or hide the blog post image that dispalys on each of your posts.
Type of Scroll
This option allows you to choose infinite scroll, or classic numerical pagination for your posts.
Pagination Type
This option allows you to choose if pagination will display for navigating through posts.
Post Title
This option allows you to show or hide the blog post title that dispalys on each of your posts.
Strip HTML
This option allows you to strip HTML from the post, which is perfect for when using excerpts.
Total Control Over Meta Deta Display
With each blog shortcode comes a full set of options for meta data. These options allow you to enable or disable each different section of meta data, or the entire set together.
- Show or hide all meta info with one easyoption.
- Show or hide the author of the post.
- Show or hide the individual post categories.
- Show or hide the comment icon and number.
- Show or hide the date of the post.
- Show or hide the Read More link with icon arrow.
- Show or hide the tags of the post.
Complete Set of Options
That’s not all, see below for the every option included with the blog shortcode.
- number_posts = numerical value to show how many posts you want per page, example 5. Can be -1 which means all posts will be displayed on one page
- cat_slug = slug name of the category from which you want the posts to be displayed. Use a , for multiple categories
- exclude_cats = slug name of the category you want to exclude. Use a , for multiple categories
- title = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the title
- thumbnail = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the image thumbnail
- excerpt = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the excerpt
- excerpt_words = numerical value that controls length of excerpt
- meta_all = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide all meta info
- meta_author = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the author
- meta_categories = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the categories
- meta_comments = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the comments
- meta_date = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the date
- meta_link = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide the link
- paging = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide pagination
- scrolling = one of these values: pagination or infinite
- strip_HTML = one of these values: yes, no. This will show or hide HTML in the excertps
- blog_grid_columns = one of these values: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Controls the column width of blog grid layout
- layout = one of these values: large, medium, large alternate, medium alternate, grid, timeline
- class = add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
- id = add a custom id to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.